Section 1 | Introduction

Dearest Ladies, and Gentlemen, and Androgynous,

I start Part 1- my collection of thoughts about Women- by considering Mother Nature. It is important to know where we came from in order to better understand who we are and where we go from here. And even more importantly, knowing about our past helps direct us in how we should go from here. We should always try to choose an ethical option, ideally the most ethical option. Because if we cultivate and harvest ethics and goodness, we can help to encourage ethics and goodness in the lives of others, particularly in our future children.

As animals with superior capacities of ‘ratio’ (reasoning in Latin), we justifiably consider ourselves different from other animals. However, we often forget our animal roots. Or perhaps it is better to say, we give little thought to our animal roots and how they condition our existence, mentality and psychology.

It is important to keep in mind our biological and animal beginnings. They are the roots from which we sprouted as a species. It is important to remember these beginnings primarily because Mother Nature still defines much of who we are and what we do. Yes, we do have free will. Yes, we are agents who can love, learn, plan and execute. We can also change and improve our bodies and our environment. We can even change our sexes.

Though we have learned enough to tinker with Mother Nature, we cannot fool her. If we try to fool Mother Nature, we run the risk of fooling ourselves. Indeed, we run the risk of destroying ourselves and all the work Mother Nature has done to provide us with what we have.

So before we consider the biological aspects of our bodies as Women, let us first consider a little bit of Mother Nature’s history that is pertinent to us as a species and as a female sex.

Section 1 has eight subsections, like all the other sections in Part 1. Their contents can be outlined as follows:

Subsection 1 deals with the basic building blocks of energy and matter as we understand them today. It is a brief survey of the material mechanisms that condition our bodies.

Subsection 2 deals with chemistry. Chemistry, the interaction of molecules, the various forms of molecular dancing, engagement and cooking, is all critical to life and its spices and sweets.

Subsection 3 deals with genetics. The genetic dance makes life possible and gives infinite richness to life.

Subsection 4 deals with simple life forms and reproduction.

Subsection 5 deals with complex life features and the development of natural forms

Subsection 6 deals with animal life, pain, pleasure, animal mating, feelings and our animal ancestors.

Subsection 7 deals with human life, our prehistoric ancestors and what we as a species have inherited from Mother Nature

Subsection 8 deals with appreciating and understanding our natural history and taking stock of all that Mother Nature has contributed to it. This subsection also deals with Mother Nature’s awesome power in granting and taking life, and how the strength and fragility of life should inspire humility and thankfulness.